Friday, July 20, 2007

Hi, There!

Okay, I'm still here. Whenever a funny thought runs through my head, I find that I haven't stopped telling myself at the same time, "Hey, I can blog that!" I suppose that means I don't really want to delete all this just yet. Still, I need a break, so I won't be blogging as often as usual until summer starts easing up, which happens end of August.

Meanwhile, I'd love it if you could drop by my Etsy shop. is a delightful website devoted to all things handmade. Crafts-crazy person that I am, I've been telling myself since late last year that I need to be in there. And, now, I am. I just have six items posted today--one of them the funny little lavender-filled bird in the photo--but I'll be adding some more tomorrow. Go! Now!


The Disparate Housewife said...

Yaay! And I'm an Etsy addict. Happy entry!

the arts and crafts experiment said...

bumisita na si itsy sa etsy. i love these little lavender sacs. i have one for my eyes at night.

your birds look cool and cooky :-)

Welcome to my headspace. said...

Way to go! etsy is a treasure.

mcsister said...

Apol, I love the birds, especially this one. Sige nga, I will wait for your others and see what else I can order :)

ecstatic spastic said...

alavet!!! etsy winner!

Apol said...

Thanks, everyone! Nobody's buying yet, but I am keeping my fingers crossed.

ecstatic spastic said...

actually i signed up for an etsy account so i can buy save the cicada for me!

p.s. you might want to know that we revived