Friday, October 05, 2007

Moment from a Marriage

One of the things you learn about beng married is that surges of affection for your mate can come at the most mundane moments. Say, for example, at the checkout line at your local supermarket.

There Pierre and I were, waiting patiently for our turn to pay, when I glanced down at the cart and saw that he had tucked away in a corner some of his favorite candies. I badger him about all the useless sugar he's ingesting whenever he starts munching on licorice sticks and gummy bears during movie nights, but I actually find his sweet tooth adorable, making me think of the chubby little boy he was. So, feeling a little bit mushy inside, I glanced up to smile at him, and from my vantage point a couple of inches below his chin, found myself counting the white hairs that have recently begun invading his beard. There was definitely more of them now than the last time I looked.

One of the things you learn about being married is that being with someone day in and day out can make you so comfortable that you risk losing your tact. And so, instead of the "I love you" I had originally meant to say, rushing out from my mouth came the words, "Oh my god, honey, you're really getting old!"


The Disparate Housewife said...

Ahahahaha! Made me think of all the tactless things that come out of my mouth to W. Poor husbands!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! I can so relate to this!

Cherublu said...

Oh, the freedom that love gives you! This reminds of JD on 'Scrubs' always thinking of the right thing to say and always doing the opposite.

haze said...

I am the contrary! I always tell him his guapo and he always answers me back like, " I know" with Chiquito face expression (tanda mo pa kaya?)!

Anonymous said...

those for me are the "sweet n'sour" words of married couple :-) hubby and i often make "kulit' with each other too...just like when i tell him "hmm just love your smell" (which means go take your shower now..hehehehe) or when he tells me "do we have bread?" (which means what the hell did you cook they taste awful :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh that's such a lovely story! I can relate ... :)

rcloenen-ruiz said...

lol. Couldn't help replying to this post, as I can so relate to "marriage being so comfortable you lose your tact".